2023/01/16: New year, new video tutorial
Happy new earth year, we wish you the best! A last, we finished a new tutorial video that actually match the new interface (see VideoTutorials), we hope the flow is a bit more helpful too.
2022/09/02: Maintenance
A unexpected issue within MarsSI resulted in the loss of workspaces. We apologize and will take better steps to protect them.
2022/07/28: Update
A new version of MarsSI is rolled up. Highlight include a new database schema, separate red/color hirise layers, automatic DEM input processing and much!
2022/01/25: Maintenance announcement
MarsSI will be unavailable from the 14/02/2022 at 08:00 until the 15/02/2022 at 20:00 to allow operating system major updates.
These update are the final nail in the coffin for the old geomajas web interface, as it will not run on newer java versions, we decide to retire it as our efforts are focused on the new web interface.
2021/10/20: The new web interface is the default!
https://marssi.univ-lyon1.fr/MarsSI/ will now serve our django/leaflet based web interface!
The old interface will be kept until the start of 2022 at https://marssi.univ-lyon1.fr/MarsSI-prev/ if you absolutely need to run some commands.
2021/10/20: We got a twitter!
You can follow us at https://twitter.com/PSUP_MarsSI
2021/10/11: Cluster maintenance announcement
An operation in our hosting facility is planned for the 23th of october. This will result in a complete power outage, and all of MarsSI services will shut down. Request submitted beforehand will be delayed until the plaform restart. We apologize for the inconvenience.
2021/05/31: OMEGA datasets updates
Until now, MarsSI could only provide level-0 OMEGA data, but we will now provide an array of subproducts similar to the MRO-CRISM dataset, including:
- calibrated products with atmospheric corrections
- map-projected data
- map-projected spectral parameter cubes
This data is available right now in MarsSI and has already been processed, see OMEGA for more informations!
2021/04/30: The new web interface is live for test!
Check it at https://marssi.univ-lyon1.fr/MarsSI-next/
2021/03/24: Cluster maintenance announcement
An operation in our hosting facility is planned for the 29 and 30th of march. While the we interface and sftp should mostly stay online, we will prevent any download/processsing/copy request that could be impacted to start.
Request that may run in this period will stay in queue until the operation is finished and will automatically start when it is safe for them to do so.
UPDATE 2021/03/30: The maintenance has been completed, the cluster is back online and started processing requests.
2021/02/11: Cluster issues
Our cluster is having issues with one network component, we'll check this tomorrow. In the meantime, requests will stay in queue (and start once the situation is resolved).
UPDATE 1: the faulty switch power plug supply been accidentally unplugged, the cluster is back in service.
UPDATE 2: it seems our storage system was also impacted -- we're putting MarsSI in maintenance.
UPDATE 3: storage and portal are back, we must now sort and restart failed jobs.
UPDATE 4: interrupted jobs have been resubmited, the cluster is working again.
2020/10/13: Maintenance done, SFTP server address change
MarsSI maintenance is done. The new server is operational and the cluster ready.
We can now use marssi.univ-lyon1.fr for our SFTP server hostname : please update your SFTP client/filezilla configuration!
2020/10/13: Maintenance announcement
MarsSI will be unavailable from the 15/12/2020 at 08:00 until the 20/12/2020 at 08:00 to allow an hardware upgrade and transfert of the service to a new computer room (this is a reschedule of the maintenance previously planned for the 02/11/2020).
2020/11/06: Dataset copy issue fixed
It has been brought to our attention that the "copy" operation was broken by an update since the 21st of october. We have fixed this issue, copy request can be resent.
2020/10/13: Maintenance announcement
MarsSI will be unavailable from the 02/11/2020 at 08:00 until the 07/11/2020 at 08:00 to allow an hardware upgrade and transfert of the service to a new computer room.
UPDATE 2020/10/28: due to the new working restrictions in place, we decided to delay this maintenance until better conditions are present.
2020/10/01: Multiple news
We suffered a few power outages in the last days, but the platform is fully back online, and interrupted jobs have been restarted. We apologize for this, we have plans to improve this situation, stay tuned!
We also started a new call for publication filling on the wiki. Last call was not so long ago, but we decided that October would be a nice yearly period to do so, and did not want to leave a 1.5 year wait. Note that those who filled their wiki page this spring have not been contacted
Finaly, we have a presentation at EPSC2020 later in the day!
2020/09/14: New logo
MarsSI got a new logo: the red planet, being processed by our platform. Do you like it?
2020/09/07: Jobs immediately going to "error"
We identified and fixed an issue when submitting jobs in MarsSI that made them immediately fail. All jobs were automatically resubmited.