Syntax highlighting of
Do not forget to check the dataset pages for information!
=== Why do MarsSI need to download data? ===
MarsSI is not a full PDS mirror, we retrieve products only when
a user express interest in it to be more efficient about bandwidth
and storage.
But once a product is downloaded/processed, it will be kept!
=== Why do I need to copy data? ===
MarsSI has now a lot of products that would be hard to browse if we
just gave access to the raw directories. The "copy" action allow you
to create a subset of the data that interest you and have a cleaner
view when connecting to the SFTP server.
That being said, we are thinking of easier ways to do so in the future.
=== I requested a copy, but my SFTP directory is empty ===
You might have clicked the "Copy" button without selecting any
products in the "Data processed" pane : be sure to have selected
to copy.
=== DEM confidence map ===
We rely on the Ames Stereopipline software to produce our DEMs,
which do not output information such as confidence map. They stated
in the past that producing this information was really hard in their
pipeline and was not planned in the foreseeable future.
=== DEM intermediary products ===
We do not provide intermediary products such as aligned left/right
images, raw or refined correlation results. Those products use a lot
of disk space and are sometime not straightforward to open and read.