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The MarsSI project would like to thank, in no specific order, the following organizations and people.
== Organizations ==
* The European Research Committee (ERC) that initially funded the project
* The CNRS INSU which recognized the service as a national utility platform and provided funding and human resources
* The "Laboratoire de Géologie-Terre Environnement Planètes" ([[|PSMN]]) of Université de Lyon, which is hosting the service since 2012
* The ENS-Lyon which accepted to host MarsSI from 2020 to the present days
* The "Pôle Scientifique de Modélisation Numérique" of ENS-Lyon ([[|PSMN]]), who helped setting up MarsSI at ENS-Lyon
* And of course, the space agencies and partners that made this data possible and available, especially (but not limited to):
* The Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales [[|CNES]]
* The Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt [[|DLR]]
* The European Space Agency [[|ESA]]
* The National Aeronautics and Space Administration [[|NASA]] and Jet Propulsion Laboratory [[|JPL]]
== People ==
* Loic Lozach who designed, coded and deployed the first version of MarsSI (2012-2017)
* Lucia Mandon who helped in testing the platform and wrote the CRISM documentation during her PhD at LGLTPE (2017-2020)