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= Citing MarsSI =
== Acknowledgement ==
By using MarsSI, you agree to acknowledge the use of this application while publishing results. The acknowledgement sentence has to be as follow:
Data have been processed with the MarsSI ( application founded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) (ERC Grant Agreement No. 280168)
== Citation ==
=== Bibtex ===
title = "MarsSI: Martian surface data processing information system",
journal = "Planetary and Space Science",
volume = "150",
pages = "157 - 170",
year = "2018",
note = "Enabling Open and Interoperable Access to Planetary Science and Heliophysics Databases and Tools",
issn = "0032-0633",
doi = "",
url = "",
author = "C. Quantin-Nataf and L. Lozac'h and P. Thollot and D. Loizeau and B. Bultel and J. Fernando and P. Allemand and F. Dubuffet and F. Poulet and A. Ody and H. Clenet and C. Leyrat and S. Harrisson"