Syntax highlighting of CRISM

The Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) is a Visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR) imaging spectrometer onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), in orbit since 2006. It was built and tested by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics  Laboratory  under  the  supervision  of  principal  investigator  Scott  Murchie. The observations enable to have mineralogy information of the martian surface at a spatial resolution of ~20 to ~200 m/px.

== Instrument description ==

The CRISM instrument has two acquisition modes:

=== The targeted mode (multiangular pointing) ===

The  instrument  tracks the targets and takes 11 hyperspectral images (544 bands from 362 to 3920 nm)  at  different  emission  angles  due  to  the  rotation  of  the  detector  at ± 70°:  10  hyperspectral  images  taken  at  different  emission  angles  before  and  after  the  central  image  corresponding  to  the  close  nadir  image  (image  #07).  The  10  hyperspectral multi-angular  observations are reduced to a factor 10 compared to  the  spatial  resolution of  the  central  image. According  to  the  spatial  resolution  of  the central image, four  product types are associated to this acquisition mode. If  the  central  image  is  sampled  at  20  m/px,  the  associated  product  is  a  ''Full  Resolution Targeted'' observation (FRT). By reducing the spatial resolution of the  central  image  by  a  factor  2,  the  spatial  resolution  is  set  at  40  m/px  and  the  associated  products  are ''Half  Resolution  Short''  (HRS)  and ''Half  Resolution  Long'' (HRL) observations. An HRL sampled surface is twice as long as an HRS  observation.  Only  the  central  image  #07  is  processed  by  MarsSI  for  the  mineralogy identification. ATO observations are ''Along-Track Oversampled'' products resulting in incresing of the resolution up to 3 m/px.

||<style="text-align: center;" colspan="4"> '''Types of targeted observations''' ||
||<style="text-align:center;">'''FRT''': 18 m/px ||<style="text-align:center;">'''HRS''': 36 m/px ||<style="text-align:center;">'''HRL''': 36 m/px ||<style="text-align:center;">'''ATO''': 3-12 m/px ||
|| {{/FRT.png}} || {{/HRS.png}} || {{/HRL.png}} || {{/ATO.png}} ||

=== The survey mode (nadir pointing) ===

This mode was designed to estimate key locations for further analysis with the targeted mode as it covers wider areas and produces lower spatial resolution data than the ''targeted ''mode. The  instrument acquires multispectral  images  using  fixed  pointing  where  the  emission  angle  is  set  at  0°  (with specific bands chosen over the 544 spectral bands, in order to identify principal  minerals).  There  are different  types  of  observations  using  this  acquisition  mode:

 * ''Multispectral Survey''  (MSP): 200 m/px and 55 channels
 * Hyperspectral Survey (HSP): 200 m/px and 154 channels
 * ''Multispectral Window'' (MSW): 100 m/px

== Downloading and processing CRISM data ==

=== Tutorial ===

From the “Maps” tab, zoom-in on your region of interest. You can swith to the THEMIS or CTX mosaic for more precision,   and then display the CRISM layer corresponding either to the '' targeted'' or ''survey''mode. You can see the CRISM product footprints that  appear in different greens depending on their type. Use the “Select” button to choose the products you desire over an area. Use the right-click context menu to add your selection to your workspace.


In the "Workspace" tab, you will see your product selection. You can notice that different subproducts are present: the TRDR and  DDR files in Short (VNIR) and Long (IR) wavelength ranges, “S” and “L”. Only the “L” cubes are used in the CRISM processing and are needed for further processing in MarsSI, but you can also download the “S” cubes for your own use.

Check the product status: if some data is not already done yet, select the rows you would like to request by ticking the input on the left column (you can use the "Select all" button to select all visible products) and click on the "Process" action on the top of the workspace table. You can check more information about the processing in the job tab if needed.

Once all the data you would like is done, select entries by ticking the input on the left column (you can use the "Select all" button to select all visible products) and click on the "Copy" action to request a copy of the data in your personal directory. You can then proceed to download products as described in the SFTP section.

=== Pipeline information ===

'''1)''' The  TRDR  cube  containing  the  reflectance  values  in  the  infrared  range  will  be processed  using  an  implementation  of  the  CAT  pipeline  (CRISM  Analysis  Tools,  an add-on to IDL/ENVI available from the CRISM team (Murchie et al., 2007; Pelkey et al., 2007)). The cube will be '''corrected for the observation geometry''' (reflectance divided by the  cosine  of  the  incidence  angle,  available  in  the  associated  DDR  cube)  and  for '''absorptions  due  to  atmospheric  CO2''' using  the  CAT  algorithm  developed  for  CRISM based on the ‘volcano-scan’ approach ([[McGuire]] et al., 2009).


FRT00003E12_07_IF166L_TRR3_CAT_corr.img (false color composition)

'''2)''' The targeted TRDR cube corrected for atmospheric absorption and incidence angle will then be processed through a custom pipeline to '''remove column-dependant noise''' and '''enhance spectral features of small spatial extent''': this pipeline basically divides the whole spectral data  in  the  cube  by  a  '''median  spectrum'''  computed  from  half of  the  lines  (those  in  the middle)  of  the  cube,  on  a  column-by-column basis: a procedure we dub ‘ratioing’. The output  ratioed  cube  is  dubbed `medianratio`.  A  by-product  of  the  procedure  is  the creation of a transposed cube where columns and lines are switched, but which is only saved for the pipeline processing and should not be used as a standalone product. This   procedure   dramatically   reduces   detector   noise   (mostly   column-dependant), corrects  for  most  residual  atmospheric  absorptions  (CO2 gas  and/or  water  vapor/ice)and  enhances  small  spectral  features  in  ratioed  spectra.  However,  there  are  also  caveats  to  this  ratioing  procedure,  such  as  the  risk  to  introduce  artifacts  in  ratioed spectra  if  the  median  spectra  used  for  division  itself  was  not  blank  but  had  spectral  features: in such cases, the ratioed spectra will show inverted spectral features (eg., an absorption in median spectra will yield a positive peak in ratioed spectra) which will be  artifacts  and  must  not  be  interpreted  as  meaningful  data.  Still, for  typical  CRISM  data, acquired  over  terrain  with  spectral  features  of  low  spatial  extent  (a  few  times  smaller  than the cube spatial extent), the median spectra will be nearly featureless and allow for reasonably straightforward detection of meaningful spectral features in ratioed spectra.


FRT00003E12_07_IF166L_TRR3_CAT_corr_medianratio.img (false color composition)

'''3)''' The  penultimate  step  of  the  pipeline  '''computes  so-called  ‘spectral  parameters’  or ‘spectral  criteria’  '''such  as  band  depths  or  combination  of  band  depths,  as  initially implemented  in  the  CAT  for  multispectral  CRISM  data (Pelkey  et  al.,  2007),  or  other parameters  based  on  analysis  of  the  shape  of  the  spectra.  We  take  advantage  of  the higher  number  of  spectral  channels  in  hyperspectral  targeted  CRISM  observations compared  to  original  CAT  multispectral  parameters:  signal-to-noise  is  improved  by using medians of spectral channels and specificity of criteria is improved by combining two or more criteria. The definition of a subset of the custom criteria available in MarsSI is  given  in  Thollot  et  al.  (2012)  and  the  remaining  can be  made  available  on  request (pending publication in a future paper). The resulting data cube, dubbed `hyparam` (for hyperspectral  parameters),  has  the  same  spatial  dimensions  as  the  TRDR  but  each  band  in  the  spectral  dimension  contains  the  result  of  the computing  of  a  spectral criterion designed for detection of one or several spectral features from the `medianratio`  cube resulting from the previous step. The `hyparam`  cube can be used in parallel with spectral  data  in  IDL/ENVI  to  compare  the  spatial  mapping  of  spectral  criterion  with actual spectra.


FRT00003E12_07_IF166L_TRR3_CAT_corr_medianratio_hyparam.img (''olivine index'')

'''4)''' Finally, the pipeline '''projects '''the `hyparam` cube (adding the `_p `suffix) for use in a GIS in combination with other datasets (DTMs, CTX or HiRISE, etc.).


FRT00003E12_07_IF166L_TRR3_CAT_corr_medianratio_hyparam_p_equir.img (''olivine index'')

== Data description ==

=== Directory content ===

==== Naming convention ====

The CRISM naming convention is the following:


 * `ClassType`: FRT, HRS, HRL, ATO, MSP, HSP, MSW, ...
 * `ObsID`: observation ID
 * `Counter`: image number of the ''targeted ''sequence (only the n°7 is used in MarsSI). In the ''survey ''mode, this corresponds to 1
 * `Activity`: subtype of product: IF stands for reflectance data (I/F unit), DE for ancillary  data (''e.g.'' latitude, longitude, incidence, emission, phase angle
 * `SensorID`: S detector (Short wavelenghts) or L (Long wavelenghts)
 * `Filetype`: type of dataset: TRR3 are calibrated data cubes, DDR1 companion data  cube  containing the  ancillary  data
 * `EXT`: extension of the data (img, lbl, ...)

Ex: `FRT000A82E_07_IF164L_TRR3.IMG` correponds to calibrated   data   cube   containing   the  reflectance data (I/F unit) in the IR range (from 1002 to 3920 nm) of the central  image (corresponding to the “07” image of the ''targeted ''sequence) of an FRT  observation.

==== Directory content ====

The content of an CRISM product directory in MarsSI should look like: 

 :: Short wavelength reflectance data, calibrated 
 :: Short wavelength ancillary data
 :: Long wavelength reflectance data, calibrated
 :: Long wavelength ancillary data
 :: Long wavelength reflectance data, calibrated, converted to ENVI/CAT format
 :: Long wavelength reflectance data with atmospheric correction
 :: Map-projected long wavelength reflectance data with atmospheric correction
 :: Long wavelength reflectance data with atmospheric correction transposed
 :: Values used to apply ratioing
 :: Ratioed long wavelength data (see Pipeline information)
 :: Spectral parameter maps (map-projected)

=== Working with CRISM targeted parameters ===

{{{#!wiki important
Please consider these products with a critical eye. Despite using labels describing specific mineral (or other) detection, please keep in mind that the '''spectral parameters mapping does not represent mineralogical maps'''. They are the result of spectral analysis results that are *USUALLY* typical of such minerals presence, and is presented as an evidence, but not a definitive proof of such.

To infer the true mineralogy of one location, the associated spectra (in `corr` or `corr_medianratio`  cubes) should be studied carefully. Be cautious to not overinterpret instrument artefacts and other false positive as real results!

The `hyparam` cube produced by MarsSI contains computed spectral parameters. They account on each pixel for the likeness between the observation spectrum and the theoretical spectrum of a mineral specie, but can also give information on the position of absorption band, intensity of one particuliar band, etc. This cube is used to map spectral features.

The details of how the different parameters can be used are as follows (as in april 2018):

||<style="text-align: center;"> '''Band   number''' ||<style="text-align: center;"> '''Parameter''' ||<style="text-align: center;"> '''Detections (__non   exhaustive__)''' ||<style="text-align: center;"> '''Details''' ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 1 ||OLINDEX2 ||Olivine, pyroxenes, [[FeMg]] clays ||Better identifies the 1 micron olivine absorption by accounting for   spectral slope.  Also corrects for the   false identification of olivine due to high albedo.  Incorrectly maps hydrated regions as   olivine-rich due to the associated decrease in reflectance beyond   2-microns.  Also, like OLINDEX, this   parameter falsely identifies pyroxenes as olivine. future work will be done   to correct both the false identifications of hydration and pyroxene as   olivine-rich. ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 2 ||BD1900R ||H2O bound ||Find the 1.90 micron H2O band depth ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 3 ||BD1980 ||Sulfites ||Find the 1.98 micron sulfite band depth ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 4 ||BD2200 ||Al-OH bound ||Find the 2.20 micron Al-OH band depth ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 5 ||Doub2200 || ||Find the 2.22 and 2.28 micron doublet band depth ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 6 ||BD2230 || ||Find the 2.23 micron band depth    (K. Lichtenberg) ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 7 ||BD2500 ||Carbonates ||Find the 2.50 micron band depth ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 8 ||Jar_index ||Jarosite ||Find the 2.205-2.272 micron 'W' exact shape ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 9 ||Kaol_index ||Kaolinite ||Find the 2.16-2.20 asymetric kaolinite band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 10 ||Opal_index ||Opal ||Find the 2.20-2.26 asymetric Opal band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 11 ||Fe_smec_index ||Fe clays ||Find the 2.29 and 2.40 Fe smectite band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 12 ||Sulf_index ||Sulfates ||Find the 1.94-2.0 and 2.40-2.44 non-hydrates sulfates bands ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 13 ||BD2232m ||(Ferri)Copiapite / Fe sulfates ||Find the 2.232 band of part. dehydr. ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 14 ||Hydr-salt_index ||Bassanite, gypsum, carnallite ||Find the 1.77, 1.92-1.98, 2.49 bands ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 15 ||BD2205m ||Kaolinite, montmorillonite, opal ||Find the 2.205 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 16 ||BD2205Left ||Kaolinite ||Find the asymetric left 2.205 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 17 ||BD2205Right ||Opal ||Find the asymetric right 2.205 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 18 ||BD2285m ||Fe smectites ||Find the 2.285 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 19 ||BD1922m ||Hydrated minerals ||Find the 1.922 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 20 ||BD1849m ||Jarosite ||Find the 1.849 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 21 ||BD2106m ||Sulfates ||Find the 2.106 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 22 ||BD2268m ||Jarosite ||Find the 2.268 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 23 ||BD3837m ||Carbonates ||Find the 3.8-3.9 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 24 ||POS221 || ||Find the exact wavelength of minimum of 2.21 band at 2.1855-2.2252 ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 25 ||POS227 || ||Find the exact wavelength of minimum of 2.27 band at 2.2583-2.3046 ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 26 ||BD1047m ||Iron oxydes ||Find the 1.0472 band of iron oxides relative to linear fit 1.3423-2.1261 ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 27 ||Hydr_[[FeMg]]_clay_index ||Hydrated [[FeMg]] TOT clays ||Find the 1.4; 1.9; 2.3; 2.4 bands ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 28 ||Si-OH_index ||Hydrated glass ||Find the 1.4; 1.9; 2.2 bands ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 29 ||BD2265narrow ||Jarosite even within mixtures ||Find the 2.265 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 30 ||2205to2278 || ||Get 2205/2278 ratio in doublet when both bands present ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 31 ||BD1060poly2 ||Iron oxydes ||Find the 1.0603 band of iron oxides relative to 2nd order polynomial fit   1.3423-1.8292-2.6021 ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 32 ||BD1080SEC ||Iron oxydes ||Find the 1.0800 band of iron oxides relative to 2nd order polynomial fit   1.3423,MAX(2.1525;2.2517)@2.203,2.6021 ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 33 ||Chlor_index ||Chlorite ||Find the 2.25 and 2.34 bands ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 34 ||BD1380-1440 ||OH bound ||Find the 1.4 OH band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 35 ||POS14xx || ||Find the exact wavelength of minimum of 1.4 band at   (1.3752)1.3818-1.4409(1.4474) ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 36 ||BD1908m ||Hydrated minerals ||Find the 1.91 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 37 ||BD1961m ||Hydrated minerals ||Find the 1.96 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 38 ||191to196 ||Si-OH hydrated minerals ||Find the 1.91/1.96 ratio in hydrated minerals, esp. Si-OH bearing ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 39 ||POS19xx || ||Find the exact wavelength of minimum of 1.9 band at   (1.895)1.902-1.981(1.987) ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 40 ||BD2272m_2179 ||Jarosite ||Find the 2.272 band of jarosite anchored at 2.18 instead of 2.09 ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 41 ||Olivine_index ||Olivine ||Find the 1.080, 1.257, 1.369 and 1.467 bands ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 42 ||BD1760m ||Hydrated minerals ||Find the 1.76 band ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 43 ||[[FeMg]]-OH ||[[FeMg]]-OH bounds ||Find the 2.3 and 2.4 bands ||
||<style="text-align: right;"> 44 ||BD2106+2139_poly2 ||Monohydrated sulfates ||Find the average of 2.106 & 2.139 band of monoh. sulf. relative to   2nd order polynomial fit 1.856-2.311-2.490 ||

== References ==

 * CRISM instrument description website:  [[]]
 * [[McGuire]]  P. C., e t al. (2009), An improvement to the volcano - scan algorithm  for atmospheric  correction of CRISM and OMEGA spectral data, Planet.  Space Sci., 57(7), 809 - 815.
 * Murchie, S., et al. (2007),  Compact reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) on  Mars  Rec onnaissance Orbiter (MRO), J. Geophys. Res., 112(E5).